
I wanna listen

This is a new Britney's album. Though she's a bit strange her art is perfect.

Problem Solving

When I'm up in some difficulty I don't keep it to myself but spread it among my friends. I usually become spleeny when something extraodinary happens. I become fuzzy and impatient. But if only I spread the word I know I'm not alone in this mess. They all give lots of advice, various and sometimes controversial. I combine them up and get the right decision. Friendship helps, though. Friends tell me things I don't see with my own eyes.


Saying Without Hesitation

I can't keep to myself lots of things and it's better to spread them. Some things are not mellifluous, reaction can be of any kind and it's connected with that home truths are hard to swallow. Some people think they are flawless but they are decepted.

Excess Speeds up Time

Mass media is in excess amount nowadays. All the technological progress inventions are speeding up information perception and make the world develop faster.



Education is very neccessry for a complete personality. But often this is only the diploma without the core. The process of studying and educating for that person was narrowed down to attending lectures without thinking and remembering. All the good marks were got by chance, and as a result this person was frivolously educated. I appreciate people who, apart from learning what they are forced to, develop themselves. Only in this case one can be a good companion but not an elbow-bender.


Flying Time

My daughter is 4 months today! Time really flies. I remember cuddling her, she was so small and light, day by day she's weighing more and more. In next to no time she'll go to school...
I cherish every moment of every day and note her small achievments.


Back in the childhood

I had to spend several days at my parents'. It was sooo wonderful and fascinatingly! I tried all my mum's beauticraft and was a bit nervous if my mother would come and punish me for my mischief. I also looked through all the albums. It was as if I returned back in my childhood, I even felt all the smells and emotions of that time. It encouraged me up. My room is furnitured as I used to see and live in it. It was a real retrieval in my childhood.http://pictures.detstvo.ru/family/1255.html


Once in a while...

Betweentimes it's better to forget about someone's existence to stay calm and relaxed. I know this person is true but prefer not to think of it and take it out of my mind. It's not easy but it's possible to strive to make it real. I never thought I would hate, no, don't stand any person, but actions speak louder than words and all the circumstances squeezed me to follow my heart.



I'm inclined to send sms rather than call somebody provided that it's not the question of neccessity. Just imagine you send 50 sms to some people you know and receive approximately the same amount in return including good words and wishes. This is nice. What you say returns to you sooner or later.
All your deeds are like woomera - the speed you do is the speed you receive.



Having friends is very important for me. I have not many close friends just several who I can rely upon for sure. They feel the same about me. I think that the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed" isn't true for me. Lots of people are ready to help you if you are entroubled. This may be performed subconsciously in order to improve their karma, but if you're happy 'bout something they'll be covered with envy. So, friends are those who share you success and happiness.

This is what my friend Shura sent me to encourage me :)


Real autumn

I saw a titmouse today on my window. It means it will be cold soon. Yesterday it was raining and snowing, all the leaves are nearly fell down and trees are awating for winter. Every season has lots of advantages, but as for me autumn doesn't. Everything is too sad and rainy. Autumn is the season for thinking.



I like dancing - for pleasure, for fun, for losing weight, whatever for.I like the process when my body is obeyed to the music. It becomes impregnated with positive vibes, it soars above all the world and I feel freedom and inspiration. Life is a dancing, sometimes smooth, sometimes brutal and rapid.

P.S. If you look deeper you'll see me with my hands nearly crossed wearing wristwatch. It was in 2000. It's a dancing competition. I won the 3rd prize.


Weather dependent

When autumn comes I feel blue and become moody. Sun shines less, leaves are falling, everything is grey and sad. To rise up my mood I need lots of positiveness coming from drinking tea with chocolate or cookies. And lots of sport, without any comments. I like only September because my Birthday is in this month. But when October and November comes I feel lack of light and brightness. My inner compass helps me not to be deeply depressed and every moment I feel down I think of my family and future plans. This certainly keeps my chin up!
This is what I see from my kitchen window.


Being Yummy

Yummy Mummy is what I feel. I've become so mumsy from head to toe. What Is A Yummy Mummy?
A superwoman who fits into her size 6 Seven jeans three weeks after giving birth (by scheduled C-section of course)? A sexy mama who shops for groceries in heels, closing deals on her cell phone while waggling finger puppets to stimulate her baby's growing cerebellum? Give me a break!
A true Yummy Mummy struggles to find the impossible balance between the single sexpot she used to be, the woman she's become, the professional she works hard to be, the wife she aspires to be and the mother she has to be. Basically, she's confused and exhausted.
Forget CEO. THIS is the toughest job in the world. Why didn't anyone warn us? http://www.yummymummysite.com/


Unsalutary Food

Sometimes I'm obssessed with eating unsalutary food, fast food I mean. It's a kind of addiction for me and until I eat something of this kind I won't be satisfied. It seems to be tasty and even delicious but actually it isn't. I do not eat such food too often but from time to time I experiment with this livelihood.


Dollish Voice

When parents, close relatives or just friends talk to a little baby they always make dollish voices. Maybe they think it will help the child to understand them better? It happens subconsciously as I noticed. I do this way too :). But as for men they most of all talk in their gentlemenlike manner without changing anything. Is this exactly what helps the child to feel tenderness and comfort? http://www.faluninfo.ru/content/view/660/53


Smell reminders

Various odours and smells possess the power to take a person back in time. It's a kind of parfume time machine. This can brighten up you memories of something good or just abate spirits. Duality.

I was choosing a shower gel and in the range of variants I met one that reminded me of my illness as at that time I was using exactly that one. I felt headache and dizziness. So if you want to recollect some snippets of your past smell the pafrume you used that time.



Never say it's too late. It's never late in case you want it. I mean people who say that life is too short for wasting it on thinking. If one neglects thinking before doing and just hopes for the best it won't always work. It's better to sort every step out and then produce the action. Every time you'll do it your brain will be upgraded because analising the stituation helps to expand your logic.


Baby Smells

I want to quote Gwen Stefani: "So many smells come with a baby and I enjoy all of them - even the stinky ones." I realised I totally agree with Gwen. All the baby smells are marvellous and I usually breathe in all of them. Parenting is a great thing in all the aspects.


Strange people....

I was walking with my child in the park near my house where lots of beautiful flowers grow. It can't but appeal to the eye. It was a blissful moment of gratifaction. But a minute later I saw an old lady that was plucking the flowers :( I was shocked and the next moment took a picture of her. She noticed that and didn't seem to hesitate but on the contrary continued her actions! What an outrage! Look at that old stupid horse and have fun.

P.S. The pram is not mine


Meeting an old acquaintance

I met a person who I haven't seen for ages and still we had too much to talk about. Having little time our chat was puny but substantial and at last I got so inspired and encouraged. The reason of my invigoration is that I heard what I wanted to hear as I was stirred and didn't know how to handle the situation. Such meetings refresh some points of view and open up eyes on some evidences.