
I broke promise to myself

In the beginning of November I gave myself promise to write in my blog every day, but it turned out to be quite a tease. There were lots of things I had to fulfil and when I remembered about writing it was rather late at night and I was dead-tired. I make my own resolution to be as good as I'm always and to upgrade my blog every day in December!


Source of Inspiration

When I've got no strength to do anything I turn on my favourite music and dance for my child. She's interested in my actions and seems to quite understand what's happening. And also I watch something with Madge(or, sorry, Luise) because whatever she does she manages in it. She's a real overachiever notwithstanding her inner hesitations and emotions. She says - she does. It's good to take after her, inspiration and power is guaranteed.


Life Creation Power

I don't feel pity for people who live in poverty and have eternal debts. All is in their own hands. If a person leads such a lifestyle it means he's satisfied with all happening in his mind and around him. I prefer creating my life with my own hands not to go with the times. It's the easiest way to say that everything is bad and fatal and be drawned in alcohol, drugs and something of that kind. These actions illustrate that a person is flabby and doesn't stir a finger to change anything. Frankly, I loathe such people and try to avoid talking with them because they, as a rule, spread negative vibes.



I'm trying to lose my weight but only in theory. I think of what I should or shouldn't eat but still eat the wrong food. I start my morning with cereal or muesli and I'm very proud of myself at that moment but at day time I cannot but consume something tasty and heavy. I do regret about it later and due to this eat one more caloric peace of something. And this continues up till the evening when I only drink green tea. Maybe I shouldn't make so much effort while I'm feeding my baby at the breast? Oh, I forgot to say - my weight is 53 kg and I'm 164 sm tall.


Baby Boom!

I'm happy that so many young families are becoming parents! It's absolutely inevitable for a person to become a perent. But I don't think the younger the better. Yes, it has its own advantages but still I'm sure a person must be ready to give good bringing-up to his child, show on practice his own experience and be an authority for the kid, I mean one should be well-educated with a satisfying career and a broad range of vision. Only in this case there'll be a harmony within and outside the particular family.


Key Phrase

While reading a book I'm not only interested in the plot but I also search the key phrase of the whole narration. It may be the only one but significant word or connotation and it's worth remembering for the future. All good books must have something to learn. Books are like teachers who give knowledge not at school but at home at any time you wish. If there's no marks or a peg to hang a thing on I regret I spent my time in vain.


New Madonna's Book

I got a new Madonna book "English Roses" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-doqq5fTY0. It may be strange for someone that such a ravy and outrageous person can write children books but I'm assure that the more different experience you have, the more you can tell your children about. All you've got you can lay out in an instructive way to make some unknown things clear and evident. Each experience brings its positiveness and it's so neccessary and breathtaking that you tell it out to the young audience ... provided that you are Madonna.


Rest Without Conditions

Rest must be without any conditions. I mean if you're addicted to using make-up, parfume and doing hairstyle everyday like me, you should throw off all these conventionalities and free up yourself. It's pleasant to be there where noone knows you and walk wearing funny hat or coat. This gives some pecularity to the time and surroundings. I found it out and use it nearly every time when I'm out in the countryside. Try it too!



I've got some ideas about my future life. Freshness has opened my eyes on various sides of my existence and squeezed me to think and think, generate new ideas that will turn into a kind of a profit for me. Thus, as I'm a creative workaholic my profession must be closely connected with art - dance, writing, - maybe altogether. Yeah, both of that. Now I'm laying out my plan not to miss anything. You'll see I'll manage!


Oh, Fresh Air!

This weekend I'm going to my granny again. It's a pleasure and non-describle happiness for me and my daughter. I'll make collage at last as I just didn't have time for that. My granny will help me with all my cares and I'll enjoy a bit of freedom. I've got so much plans for the weekend as I can't relax at all, only while sleeping. I recover my energy only if I'm doing some kind of brain work. Otherwise I feel discontented. I wish everyone have a good time!



This is how the book looks like in the original.

"Confessions of a bad mother"

The book I'm reading now is nine days' wonder. It's so actual for me at this particular period of time. When I'm exhausted in the evening I recover from being tired by reading fiction of various kinds. Magazines are ok but they've got so much pictures in them. It stirs up my attention. So I prefer reading books - light and funny, no detective stories. I hate them. This book is a real finding for those who've become parents recently or just planning to. It's worth reading.


My Hubby's Birthday!

Today is my hubby's birthday! I presented him with a very useful thing for the road-user. It's a hands-free bluetooth headset http://www.jabra.com/Sites/Jabra/RU-RU/Pages/Home.aspx . It's so convenient when you drive. Some talks and negotiations can't be put off till later but talking over the cell and wheel in your hands is rather dangerous, it distracts one's attention and concentrarion.

A brain of a human generates lots of useful ideas for comfort and safety!


Lessons On-line

I'm busy as ever but still I don't want to waste bits of my free time. I've got no possibility to go and learn foreign languages anywhere and don't want tutors to come at my place. So lessons on-line are the best way out of the situation. I've noticed that studying at home demands lots of self-control and state of being organised. Thus one shouldn't drink tea or whatever while learning and there must be a special self-imposed time-limit, otherwise one's home education will turn into a blah-blah and nothing else. Just saying.


Collage Art

Recently I've become interested in a collage production http://www.collageart.org/ . It seems to be very exciting to combine up different pieces of pictures and photos and make a complete image. It develops logic and imagination and gives pleasure and inspiration for sure. It's a hobby that can develop in profession. I recommend you to visit this site. You'll get a positive vibe, I bet!


Keeping Promises

I hate when people break promise - it's one of the things that makes me think whether I should have friendship with this person or not. If you're of that kind you're right out of my alley. LOL. I do keep promise myself and I want others do the same. The world is not perfect, it's evident. But it is so because each and every one person does not aspire to improve himself, one by one and there's lots alike people who have so much in common. Bad habbits, I mean. It's impossible to change popular opinion and action pattern but it's feasibly to strive to.


Self Promotion

Self promotion opens the borders for one's business. Having promoted yourself with money investments for the first time it's likely people pay attention to your personality. Without money and sponsorship it's almost impossible to get fame and become a celebrity. But every rule has its exceptions. Business of any kind is a very cruel thing towards one's financial freedom for the first period of time when one's decided to start something new. In case one's plan works out income of that venture will cover all the first-time expences.


Frame of Actions

Maybe it's a routine and grunge attitude but I prefer doing something having logical connection step by step. And all the stuff must be gradually sorted out. For example in the fridge. The upper part is for dairy products, the middle is for cheese and meat, the lower is for fruits and vegetables. When you look inside you see all the things you need separated not mixed up with each other. The same is with actions - first you do what is easier and quicker, then more complicated and intrenching upon time. The last is like desert - simple and pleasant.
It's a good idea to stay two steps ahead!


Winter Features

I've got my own winter features through the years. The main is that I start putting on tinting cream in order to protect my face skin from cold and wind. I use greasy hand cream before puttting on gloves or mittens and have my hair cut shorter than in summer - for more comfort while wearing hat.

Snow Covered Season

I'd been dreaming of perambulating since autumn came. I imagined walking on the ground covered with snow, leaving my footprints on it. When it's snowing the air is much more fresh and clear, breathing becomes easier and more pleasant. My little dream came true yeasterday - I'm lucky as ever!


My Blog Vibe

Writing notes in the blog helps me to broaden my vision and share my inner ideas and thoughts with others. Yestarday I continued learning Spanish on-line and felt like flying - my wings of positiveness and overwhelming emotions breathed in me new reality perception and supplied me with positive vibes. Learning is a wonderful thing! I wish all the people in the world were inspired by their own opportunity to improve their lives with their own brains. LOL.



It hard to handle negative emotions in any situation, anger and irritation altogether give a bombing effect. It's easier to burst out arguing till tears come from one's eyes. It's only emotions. It's better damp your ardour and cool down. With the refreshed mind look at the situation one more time and you'll see there is a way out without insulting and hurting. It's much easier to spoil and break something than build and cherish.