
Freedom and marriage

When people get married it means they have much in common, otherwise they'd rather live apart. Being married supposes finding lots of compromise and grinding each other character's verges. But still it's important to stay an identity. Freedom of actions (not controversial to some rules) gives possibility to excite and surprise your partner with more of your sacred abilities. When you turn a new leaf of your mate's identity it amazes and freshens the relationship. It's too fatefully not to turn your marriage life in routine.


Distance clears up

At the distance some things seem to be more evident than at immediate consideration. It happens because at the distance you see the whole situation but not its fragment.
When a person you love goes far-far away you start feeling such an overwhelming love that it's too difficult to cope with it. What's more people's vices are also become more evident. So it can be a kind of a therapy to move to another place to understand the core of something or somebody.


Don't want it easy

Following my life experience I see that problems make me stronger. There's a statement (don't remember who said it) - what won't kill me will make me stronger. It works with me. Moreover, easy doesn't make you think, you just flow with life and don't pay attention on what your life looks like. As for me I don't want my life to be easy. While enduring something you get immunity for that kind of problem for the next time.


Behave as you are

Self-assurance is a really good thing in communicating of any kind. If you behave as being self-assured this can be very decisive for you. People strong in the Self-Assurance theme feel confident in their ability to manage their own lives. They possess an inner compass that gives them confidence that their decisions are right. In case you say or do something wrong but show forwadness, people around you may think that they are mistaken. Thus, later it may prove you've shown off but it'll be too late.
This helps to stand against some of objectionable advice - you just show your own experience without any comments and the person stays outside (referred to http://www.cartoonstock.com/)



When there's order in things around you, there is order in your thoughts. You don't waste time on rearranging anything, you just move up and fulfill what you intended to. There's no stirring up and hesitation, you manage everything.
Read this article and you'll find out I'm right.


A Control Freak

I seem to be completely satisfied with anything only when I do it myself, otherwise I keep on checking all the details and try to find any defect. It's my character and it's too complicated for me to change anything in it. It's my second ego. Maybe this my feature was redoubled while working as a teacher because in order to save time I managed to check up students' works looking through them and finding all the mistakes.


Milestones of time

As far as I can see our life is a rapid thing. Sometimes I feel time goes by too fast. I've never thought I'd become a mother, get married and finish university. It seemed so far when I was a little girl. It seems to me that a person's life is a kind of a bubble - the more little you are, the more space is around you; you grow older and the space shuts up like a telescope.
Also it's evident that time flies when one of your friends has a baby. You just saw her pregnant and, oops, her baby attends kindergarten! Children are like milestones.



I adore doing a lot of things myself. For example work with a screwdriver. When I want to get something fixed I'd rather do it myself than ask my hubby especially if I know it's in my power. So I'm a kind of do-it-yourself girl.


A Present

Yesterday my husband bought me Madonna's fairy-tales for children. There were only 2 books in the whole city and he didn't hesitate to find and get them. Shop-assistants were embarassed because they didn't have an idea of M's writing for children and tried to persuade my husband he was mistaken. He said he was 100% sure he was absolutely right. At the end the books were found.
As a result I can say that some people are so narrow-minded and unprofessional that even working in a book-shop don't know the assortment. It means only one thing - unskilled workers who only get salary.
Having read the books I was much surprised by the depth of M's thought and her life experience. On the back cover of the books there was written all the incomes from books' sells are donated to some children foundation. So I did my part!


M's Birthday

Today is Madonna's Birthday. I can't believe she's 49! She is a really great person with lots of abilities and overall interests. Whatever she starts doing she manages it. She's a person who inspires me on things I'm doing and will do. And my daughter seems to like her too :). There's a song "Little Star" on M's 13th album "Ray of Light". My baby adores it and smiles whenever listens to it. It's a good lullaby!
So, my congratulation to Madge! She is perfect!!!


Brain is a muscle

It's real. One moment you stop remembering new information it seems to work worse. I try to memorise a lot of intresting things for me, certainly the priority is new foreign words. It's a workout for my head, better to do it every day than later try to reconvene this process and cover all the previous information with great efforts instead of learning new. It's important not to be lazy and become a control freak in order to sort out your thoughts.


Out of sight - out of mind

There are some people who I don't see very often. When the parting period is too long I even forget about there existance, and when it comes to meeting it seems to me that I hate them. It's quite strange as I tend to be tolerant but still there are things I can't cope with.


I recollect when I was a teenage I was completely obseesed with learning foreign language. My friend of that time was furious and at the same time jealous because I spent all my free time learning and brushing up my knowledge instead of going to parties, driking booze and so on. Now I see if one isn't keen on any subject he won't reach the success in that area. It's important to be obsessed on what you really like.


I always have to carry a blocknote with me in case of any ideas. Otherwise I can't express them later and start feeling incomplete because I haven't written them down and later won't remember them the way I first made them up.



My child doesn'n want to sleep at the daytime for the second day. It's rather difficult for me to handle the baby alone, especially today when I've got a terrible toothache and there's something wrong with my stomach. My husband has just returned from cross-country competitions, so I spent the whole weekend alone. Thanx to God my Granny came for this period, otherwise I'd got a nervous breakdown.
I'm thinking of starting doing dance lessons from September. It's the most suitable month for staring anything, it's the beginning of the school year, so, in my opinion, the best period for starting something new.


A tick-girl

I came up with idea that whatever I do is submitted to ticks. I mean I always put a plan of the day before it comes, make out a special list of things to do and then follow it. The more ticks there the better. It helps me to get rid of the chaos and find harmony.


Feel Real

For many reasons life is great-
You live while sparkling love is here.
All the mistakes you've ever made
Are just to show what is clear.

Respect and tenderness to him
So thoroughly defined inside.
I can control my every whim
Because I've got a loving guy.

He is my sense and soul peace.
I do love him. I'm glad it's real.
I've dreamt for long to love like this
And feel the way I now feel.

One-man band

Having a baby means having a new lifestyle. My daughter gave me an experience how to do lots of things simultaneously. Never before had I an idea of planning my time such a logical and correct way! For instance, I'm writing a poem at the time I'm learning Spanish and cooking while my baby is sleeping. So, when pressed for time I manage more than when I have much time. It's a phenomena but it works.



Today my dear close friends came round. I was absolutely happy and still am. They gave me inspiration and lots of positive emotions, played with my beloved child and walked with us ;). Then they wanted to get music from my handy. It reminded me of school children who use bluetooth for copying music. Childness is a great thing :)


I adore writing poetry. I get inspiration from everywhere. When I've written a verse I'm satisfied because I feel I've done something immortal.


I suddenly realised that I adore window-shopping, just wandering around without buying anything. It's a kind of therapy, especially when you don't know what exactly you need. It does really rise up my mood and at the same time gives me shopping satisfaction :)

Blissful Free Time

When a person you love gives you free time for doing what you like you start loving him more. For instance, my child. When she sleeps calmly I have pots free time for releasing my thoughts, I keep up-to-date surfing the net and do other interesting and necessary things for me.


Being a parent

I have never thought that I'd become a parent so soon. It's like a dream come true. I was much astonished when found out I became pregnant. Nine months rushed away in a second and I had my daughter lying on my breast. Great moment! Now I realise I'm doing all the things for my little child, for her feeling well and happy. My husband now is like a shining star, too. Being a parent is a real happiness ;)