
Today I've got a new phrase for you to interpret. Here it is - DINKY. It's read as a word not a separate way, letter by letter. It's an acronym that is desiphered this way - "double income no children yet". This refers to couples living together for a long time but still without any children to bring up. This acronym has a bit negative meaning concerning the fact that people have become too selfish and workaholic that they don't have enough time for having a baby. Are you one of them? Listen to your body clock... Hear? Tick-tock, tick-tock...


Happiness Within

Recently I've met girls with whom I attended course for pregnant. They both live in new luxurous flats with all conceivable facilities - dishwashers, food processors etc but still they don't have free time for themselves. I couldn't understand what the reason was for the first time but later I had an idea - it is the lack of ability to spend free time properly, for the sake of their own. What's more they are both in deep depression about everything. While talking we cleared that we have alike problems but different ways out of them. As for me, it's very important to put on make up every morning to like my own reflexion. And before getting up I usually tell myself that every moment is precious - thus I appreciate my time. To become happy is easy - it comes from within, no luxury and money can bring self-satisfaction and positive emotions. It's up for each person to build up his own life.


How to Approach a Dream

I've been thinking for a long time that dreaming is likely to come true in case you do pune steps towards its release. Let see the example. I want a car, I start reading popular feminine magazines about car industry and all of that kind. Such free-time spending later gives me food for thought while walking, talking, sleeping. All my thoughts are concentrated on that particular object. And I keep on finding ways to heat my own interest to the dream because if only you stop ceasing your dream obsessively it becomes too fragile without continuous feeding and caressing. So, keep on dreaming but don't forget about tiny steps leading to your dream come true.


Oh, Electricity and Heat!

We live in a quite prosperous time with lots of easement when everything is so simple and quick. But the moment later it all disappears like a smog when sun starts shining. Yesterday there was a wreckage connected with hot water and heat supply. And at the same time electricity was disconnected. I felt lost for several seconds but then opened the book with children song and started to entertain my daughter as she got used to music, fairy-tales and action of any kind. I felt happy I managed to substitute all the divices that make our life at home positive. Self-sufficiency is a great thing, really!


Spring Odour

When sun shines and wind blows in it's pleasant to walk and stroll without a hurry and just spread your wings and breathe in the spring odour. My hair, again, is of wonder - they get special smell combined up with sun and wind and ozon, - everything flying in the air, I don't have it in winter, and as a result I get clear understanding that the real spring is here.