
Poor People Imagination

I sent 70 sms to people who know me (Megafon gave me 100 sms as a bonus) and recieved 50 in reply. I was really glad to hear, i.e. to read congratulations on the upcoming New Year and Christmas and all the best wishes ever. But the question is - is it difficult for those 20 left people to type a simple sms or just send a sample if their imagination is too poor? Strange I can say. I've got another example of freakness. A friend of mine left New Year stuff in my garage until her final moving to another flat. Some days ago her husband asked to take back all the stuff. I said when he could do that and decided to give a New Year present for my friend with him. I waited only a simple "thanks" in return but didn't get it. I have two explanations. The first is that my friend's husband decided to give my present to her as his present, the second - calling or again sms is much more expensive than my present was. Freaky people, really.


New Year Resolutions

I'm making my own list of New Year resolutions - it will help me to spend my time with profit and result. I'm up in this process because I want to bear in mind all the details of all my life aspects. It's not so easy as it may seem.


Today I represent you the word mardy.

It's an adjective - 'you mardy cow!', for instance, somebody might say - quite a strong adjective really. It means, you know, you whinging, sulking, whining, petulant, pathetic, moaning, grumpy ... there are lots of adjectives that do this kind of thing - surly, you cry baby, stop feeling sorry for yourself ... that's the implications of the word mardy.

To sum it up, mardy means a weak person but this word is tabooed. So be careful using it among people of quality!


Public Life

There's a famous site which unifies thousands of people all around Russia and not only this country where one can find a person who one studied at school with and wherever. There's also a photo gallery of each person with albums and comments, and some people are proud to post their children too. What for? I always judge people by myself and think that private life must be apart from public one. Take celebrities as an example - they avoid showing their offsprings everyhow, and in my humble opinion it's right. If you want to show your child to someboby it may be a friend of your own who is nice and friendly but not an envious and might-have-been with lots of biases and hangups.


Authority Pressure

Person who is charismatic and has an authority can overpress people to get what he likes herewith it won't be considered as a real pressure but a kind of a task fullfilling. The strongest uses his strength provided others are weak and tend to be led. It's more convenient for them to follow his leader than to settle upon themselves and be responsible for the result whatever it will be. It' s like hiding head in the sand. Don't be afraid of making your own decisions and avoid being a slave.


New Style

Do you like my new style? I can tell you where I've changed my look :)


Sweep-up with perfect helpers

I don't know a person who loves sweeping, mopping, cleaning and does it of his own free will. It's an inevitable action that usually takes place once in a two weeks' time or more often. As for me I can't stand any of this kind but I know that noone will do it instead of me and better than me. So it's up to me. But I managed to make this process easier and more comfortable - I use only my perfect helpers (vacuum cleaner Karcher) that are powerful and reliable, and also have an attractive layout. Try it too, and maybe the routine sweeping will become more energising and quick.


Strong Request

When you write posts always sign them for the feedback - anonymos are not allowed. Thanks for understanding.

Maiden Pen-name

When filling in different not very important documents I use my maiden name as a pen-name because it' s easier to write and as a rule it doesn't cause a stir. And I think there's no need for shop-assisstants to know lots. It's my own confidence and I'm sure it's right. Have you ever told the wrong name instead of your real one and why?


Loud Thinking

Have you ever noticed that the more loud (often-read here) you think of something the more possible its coming true is? I mean if you're obsessed with any problem you imagine inner talks with a person to solve it, you try various situations and ways out and then, all of a sudden, a person says what you exactly wanted him to say but didn't. In this case the perception and realization emerges in his own consciousness without an argument and quarrels with you. It happens by means of your thought might, and my deduction is that you can use it pro domo sua.


Today I'm going to tell you about a suffix that shows any prejudice and neglect. This is -ism. There are so many -isms in various areas of our life, here are some of them: shortism (neglect people who are small), ageism (prejudice against people who are in their -ties), and the following are for you to guess - ableism, alphabetism. Give me your answers to the last ones!


Decrepit Horse

Ten years ago I thought that if a person is 50 years old, especially a woman, it means she is a decrepit horse without proper thinking and range of vision. Some ladies are of that kind, though. It all depends on the particular lifestyle and life perception. Take Madonna for example. If I didn't know she's nearly half a century, I'd think she's in her thirties. But still the truth is she'll be fifty next year. I admire her and try to follow her example. All in a one man's hand and his life too.


Wedding Day

Yesterday was my hubby and my wedding anniversary, so we decided to celebrate it in the evening. We went to the nearest sushi-bar and spent there the whole evening. It was relaxing! Especially the fact that you don't have to do the washing-up afterwards. That encouraged me on some new ideas and actions. How was your weekend?


Visit My New Site!!!

http://enfribags.blogspot.com/ This blog of mine is devoted to environment friendly bags (that's why it's called Enfri Bags) and I'm launching a hand-made production of such ecological bags for each and every one in the world. Have you ever asked youself - are those plastic bags that I use for shopping good for environment? I bet it's likely hardly ever. So my purpose is to attract your attention to the ecological problem of the world we live in and think of our children, grandchildren and so forth future right now without putting it off till tomorrow. I encourage you all to follow me and purchase only enfri bags that will be not only useful and convenient in your every day life but also they can become a part of your image. Do your part and stay tuned! I'll be in touch soon with further information. See you!


Something New!

In this section I'm going to tell you some new interesting English words and phrases. Certainly it's not me who made them up, but my duty is to share my knowledge with anyone who knows me. I hope all the given information will be useful and up-to-date, so keep on improving your language by referring to my blog. Good luck!

to catch a few/some Z's - to nap. This expression appeared thanks to American comics where some characters fall asleep and a bubble with the sound ZZZZZZZ comes from their mouthes.

Make a sentence with this one and make me proud!


Clear Up!

Write here your quesions concerning English and I'll do my best to take away all your misunderstandings.

To Write or Not to Write?

I'm bearing in mind a kind of a creative plan concerned writing prose. I'm writing short sketches for a famous free newspaper "Metro" and those are published, so I'm thinking of a writing career. Who knows, maybe I'm a future Russian great writer! :) One thing I know for sure - all I start doing I'll accomplish. Try it on me!


Outrageous vs Respactable

To come into notice one should do something outrageous rather than respectable. The bad attracts more curious noses to the subject. If a person wants to become famous all his extraordinary deeds are likely to serve him right. It seems to be a brain feature to memorise and recollect bad things better than the good ones, that's why it's neccessary to accept this rule as a copybook maxim if you intend to overmaster the world.


Speech Development

This book is very useful for those whose work is connected with communicating and interlocuting, both in a spoken or written way. To develop your speech is an everyday training that demands efforts and will. I mean when you want to say something using a habitual word try to find a synonim and include it into your speech. And every time bear in your mind that you shouldn't use some common expressions but vary them with the new ones. Day by day you'll be much more surprised on how you've succeeded your speech development.


Keep Chasing Dream

Dreaming is a process that causes light and bright life perception. When you dream you paint your future in the way you like it, using the colours of your own preference. And all dreams are due to come true in case you keep chasing your dream. It's like being pregnant. You cherish every moment, you think of meeting the best person in your life, you are much careful with that your state. The same is with dreaming - you've made up your mind about what you want, it's important to imagine all the details and only in this case your dream is doomed to come true. Be afraid of dreaming - it may become real!



Whatever I do, each detail even the punest one, must be payed attention to. I can't stand defects that could be avoided during the process of production. It causes anger and rage. I've already said I'm a control freak and I'm sure that through the smallest thing made in a proper way it's easier to come to something more significant and be able to control it. I call it "per aspera ad astra".


My music selection

Some songstresses release the albums with only one or two songs that worth listening, others are just for the track number. I know two best of the best singers who do their work and perform and lay themselves out to the audience not only for money but because it's their lifestyle. One of them is Madonna and the second is Kylie. I adore both of them.

Kylie has released "X" album on November,26. I've bought it today and listened two times as it's the perfection! It's penetrated with positiveness, passion, love and life. Stay tuned!


Am I a Bad Mother?

My general practitioner recommended me to drink non-alcoholic beer to save my hair from receding and also red wine a little every day. I follow her recommendations and feel good. Some friends of mine say I'm crazy and don't take care of my child. But it's ok. There's lots of prejudices about feeding baby at the breast and various diets. I'm keeping a food diet for sure and know that all I do is right. In the world there are so much stereotypes!


Are You Ready For the Good Times?

Unless you don't open yourself to the world you don't get the opportunity to get what you like. All is simple and is a kind of copybook maxims but people don't take it and find more difficult ways of reaching their goals. The exact thing you need is before your face and all you need is just see and accept it and process the recieved information in an appropriate way. You only have to know how to do it properly and that's it!


A Rising-up-my-mood Shopping

I don't know any girl who isn't keen on shopping or just window-shopping. As for me I can spend not hours looking for what I need and like, it happens like love at first sight - I see, fall in love with that thing and buy. I'm not an extravagant person and don't waste money but use shopping as a therapy to get out of routine and some trace of bad mood if it happens. As you may see shopping for me is not an every day hobby, just twice a month. And I also adore Christmas and New Year shopping - it's breathtaking and marvellous!


I'm an ELF!

Click here http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=1149732867 to get a little fun ;))


I'm tutoring English to earn my own money and just for brain work. I'm working with students who I've known for nearly 6 years and it's so conventional for me - I can be who I'm really are (sorry for this Americanism). At the same time modern youth is very spry and I cannot be behind them so my head is always about to explode from news and our tasks. I'm more quick-witted than some years ago, that's for sure. I like working as a tutor. This helps to stay tuned day by day, and at the same time I'm happy I don't work at school any more - I was degrading there. I like what I'm doing now. What 'bout you?


Cooking Sickness

I can't eat what I've made. While preparing meat for example I'm about vomiting as I'm a complete vegetarian now. When I was pregnant I used to eat it without any hesitation but now I'm quite the opposite - I loathe it. So when cooking for my hubby I imagine that the red essence is something of a soy origin. I'm trying to abstact away from any terrible thoughts by listening to the radio and singing a song.


Yesterday was an election day of the political party for the lower house of the Russian parlament. An appearance was approximately 70% that is a great number through the last years. An elective boby was of different age - youth and aged people.

I voted the party whose leader is our current president. I respect and trust him, and consider him to be a shoo-in.


Appreciate Every Moment

Cherishing and appreciating every moment is now my lifestyle. Some years ago I used to hurry up and kill the time with doing nothing just waiting for minutes to pass. Now I feel that every moment is precious whatever you do. And I do as much as possible to memorise it with my emotional and sign memory. There's no use in wasting your time for nothing. I'm imbuing each and every second of my life with significant things.