Becoming Wiser
Why on Earth only after the great commotion feeling and emotions become more fresh and updated? Is it a way out of routine not to be stuck in or else? When you love a person everything is settled down and calm, each day brings you stability and you don't think of feelings as you did on the first dates when you lacked for breathing only seeing a person of your admiration. It's forgotten too soon. But when you get some controversial news about your common future life and happiness you feel depressed, then sad and misguided. Only after that comes realisation that your feelings need to be updated. It's in your own hands, don't break it forever.
Milestones of Happiness

I'm sure that anyone has some memories or just signs that refer you to the happiest moments of your life. Practically most of them are of childhood origin as childhood itself brings the most of best memories. Such recollections help to keep your spirits up if troubles of any kind came down like a ton of bricks on you. Cherish your past and your future will be gracious to you.
Life Puzzling
Have you ever thought that life reminds some kind of a puzzle? Just think.
You've been looking for something for a long time and then all of a sudden you get it and feel so happy that no words can describe it. I call it a completion - you become full and all steamed up as if you've finally put the last piece of puzzle and get the whole picture on your palm.
You've been looking for something for a long time and then all of a sudden you get it and feel so happy that no words can describe it. I call it a completion - you become full and all steamed up as if you've finally put the last piece of puzzle and get the whole picture on your palm.
Cope with difficulties
I think that lots of things in anyone's life must be planned beforehand and thoroughly thought over. It gives comfort further you go. It's like a good make of car - everything is worked out in details that's why you feel comfort in any situation that life challenges.
Useful tip
Before making a serious decision it's a good idea to eat properly because this process helps to reduce agression and irritation that usualy provoke erroneous actions and taking wrong steps in achieving an agrrement. So eating and the further digestion are responsible for helping you out of mistake.
Kylie VS Madonna

If I didn't hear it with my own ears and see with my own eyes I would say that a person who tells me about perfect Kylie's voice is bluffing. I've just returned from the greatest show I've ever seen - Kylie X Show! She is so gorgeous, talented and a great singer objectibly without any hesitation still to say that, being so tiny and curvy. Public was hot as songs were being sung and the atmosphere was pierced with positive vibes. As for Madonna's show it was much more agressive and masculine, though I adore her. But after Kylie performed that way I'm in two minds who I love more...
Food For Thought

I've been thinking for a long time what book was worth reading both for good ideas and practice of good English. And finally I came up with decision - "That Extra Half an Inch" by V. Beckham. Apart from fashion and style ideas there's lots of sence of humour and positive vibes blowing from each page of the book. I really enjoy reading!
If Not Now Then Never
It's a kind of phsycological trick that pressures for time. I'm sure all of people had an experience when you wanted to do something at that moment and it seemed very exciting at that particular time, and if you didn't fulfill it then you lost all your drive the second later. And you promised yourself to put it off a bit, but never returned to that, maybe genious idea. So, don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Those people who have drive and courage get the best results.
Three don'ts to be happy
There are so many ways to become happy and healthy. Some of them are easy to allow, some are not. But still there exists a so-called life copybook maxim that is worth paying attention to. It includes three don'ts - don't worry, don't hurry, don't carry. Superficially it seems to be silly and too easy, but if to deepen your perception and comprehension you'll understand they are main in keeping fit and healthy. Think it over.

Today I've got a new phrase for you to interpret. Here it is - DINKY. It's read as a word not a separate way, letter by letter. It's an acronym that is desiphered this way - "double income no children yet". This refers to couples living together for a long time but still without any children to bring up. This acronym has a bit negative meaning concerning the fact that people have become too selfish and workaholic that they don't have enough time for having a baby. Are you one of them? Listen to your body clock... Hear? Tick-tock, tick-tock...
Happiness Within
Recently I've met girls with whom I attended course for pregnant. They both live in new luxurous flats with all conceivable facilities - dishwashers, food processors etc but still they don't have free time for themselves. I couldn't understand what the reason was for the first time but later I had an idea - it is the lack of ability to spend free time properly, for the sake of their own. What's more they are both in deep depression about everything. While talking we cleared that we have alike problems but different ways out of them. As for me, it's very important to put on make up every morning to like my own reflexion. And before getting up I usually tell myself that every moment is precious - thus I appreciate my time. To become happy is easy - it comes from within, no luxury and money can bring self-satisfaction and positive emotions. It's up for each person to build up his own life.
How to Approach a Dream
I've been thinking for a long time that dreaming is likely to come true in case you do pune steps towards its release. Let see the example. I want a car, I start reading popular feminine magazines about car industry and all of that kind. Such free-time spending later gives me food for thought while walking, talking, sleeping. All my thoughts are concentrated on that particular object. And I keep on finding ways to heat my own interest to the dream because if only you stop ceasing your dream obsessively it becomes too fragile without continuous feeding and caressing. So, keep on dreaming but don't forget about tiny steps leading to your dream come true.
Oh, Electricity and Heat!
We live in a quite prosperous time with lots of easement when everything is so simple and quick. But the moment later it all disappears like a smog when sun starts shining. Yesterday there was a wreckage connected with hot water and heat supply. And at the same time electricity was disconnected. I felt lost for several seconds but then opened the book with children song and started to entertain my daughter as she got used to music, fairy-tales and action of any kind. I felt happy I managed to substitute all the divices that make our life at home positive. Self-sufficiency is a great thing, really!
Spring Odour
When sun shines and wind blows in it's pleasant to walk and stroll without a hurry and just spread your wings and breathe in the spring odour. My hair, again, is of wonder - they get special smell combined up with sun and wind and ozon, - everything flying in the air, I don't have it in winter, and as a result I get clear understanding that the real spring is here.
Hair Colour

I'm inclined to dying my hair blonde. There are lots of jokes and prejudices about blondes but such things are rather superficial. I mean the IQ of girls being blonde. If you are blonde it's a kind of a diagnosos - stupid, light-hearted and easy-going. My preference of blonde hair is explained too simply - light hair is a state of my mind and nothing more. The tag "stupid" and so on is not to be sticked on me. By the way, my IQ is 140...
Sad, sad, sad

On 22 March my favourite cat went to another world, to the cats' paradise. He had been ill for nearly a year but still didn't give up and behaved like a youngster - jumped up the wardrobes, played like a kitten and rushed from one room to another. He had a cancer and nothing could save him as he was too old for any kind of operation - his heart could not recover after the narcosis, so the only way to soothe suffering was to put him out of pain...He was 13 years old. I'm still crying.
As soon as I stopped communicating in one of the most popular contact sites I got more free time and recovered from harmful addiction to spend hours looking through "updates" and new photos of my so-called friends. So, I got courage to cease this process and deleted my page. I felt relief! Have you ever been in addiction of that kind? I think all kinds of such sites are a waste of time - all real friends you have are always in touch by means of cellular phones, e-mails or whatsoever. I don't see any nessesity to drown in that kind of rubbish. Nothing can substitute communication in reality.
Evrovision Contest

Why did Bilan win the trying- out- for-contest? It's unfair and stupid. Evrovision is the contest for those singers who are not very much popular in their own country and participating gives them an opportunity to broaden the borders of their creativity. I think the winner is Alex Panayoutov without comments!
Couples Alikes
Have you ever payed attention to the kindred of people inside one couple? I mean a man and a woman often have some same features with each other. Sometimes it's like brother and sister. If this happens it seems to be the secret of happiness in such families. People subconsciously choose a partner with alike traits. And the same happens with pets, dogs in general. It's so funny to look at an owner and than at his pet... same face - same muzzle :)
Pop Stars
I'm looking forward to the upcoming album of Madonna that is about to be released this spring. She's such a tease, she keeps silence till the very important moment of the new album appearance, and this attracts more attention to it though. At the same time I'm anticipating the new world tour of Kylie Minogue, I'm longing to attend her show as Saint Petesburg is included in the list of tour countries. It'll be June 18!
New President

I feel proud that the new president of our country is the successor of the previous one who did lots of good for our country. I'm happy that sensibility and sanity have won. There were some freak candidates who got so little voices. Only stupid and cracked people voted for Zhirinovskij, Zuganov and the third one whose name I don't remember as I don't need to remember any rubbish. So, I sigh with relief and can sleep calmly as I'm sure the new government will do well! Have you voted or stayed outside this process hoping that someone will do it instead of you?
Order For Inspiration
I can't concentrate in case there's chaos around me, all stuff is in wrong places and all around. But I can't always control that because I've got a little child so I've become more tolerant to mess. It even seems funny to me. I've done a kind of a therapy for becoming more tolerant - I just tried not to pay any attention to the toys lying everywhere and left them without changing anything. My daughter is happy about it. I'm learning not to be a perfectionist while playing with her. It's great!
Feeling Muscles

When I feel my muscles it seems that I can control any situation. It's like regarding the world the way you regard yourself - the better you understand your body movements and its impulses the quicker you react and act. All the problems are from personal perception of the surroundings. If you're positively psych yourself up for something it means half of success, and if you're steadily standing on your legs (literally) you'll handle the situation better. So, keep fit and practice it day by day!
Mellifluous Voice
Artificial voices usually provoke some kind of distrust and alertness in my perception of that person who I'm talking to. I don't believe that a person can be always light-minded and easy-going in a good mood and always ready to help. It's impossible for my understanding. There are always some reasons that get in the way and don't allow to help if it's needed. I'm also wide awake if I hear a mellifluous voice talking to me, it sounds so artificial and I don't pay attention to the words I hear. I like disengagement in all the variants.
Waiting For the Summer
I'm very happy that days have become longer now than some months ago, it really helps to look on the bright side of life. Sunshine is so important for all living creatures as it gives energy for growth and strength for struggling on the way to the goal. And all these leads to the upcoming summer with lots of freshness and warmth at the same time. Even thoughts about it are of great positiveness and light, so I keep thinking of summer all the time. What about you?
Backing to the real-me-state
Sometimes it seemed to me that I was out of the-real-me-state, I mean all the habbits and lifestyle were not proper. I know why it happened, and only after my having realised that I managed to overcome all the difficulties and inner misunderstandings with my own self. It sometimes good to be a worry wart to think over the problem and find a suitable decision for that particular situation, only thinking alone it's possible to talk to your inner self and make a conclusion for the future steps in life.
Flash Ideas
Some thoughts and ideas appear in my mind like a flash, and practically these particular ideas are of real value - the first thought is the best one. I try to note them for the further thinking over and find it very funny and usuful for my plan I'm gradually fulfilling, so I always have my cell with me in order not to miss something interesting.
Learning Is Living
Unless you're entirely satisfied with you life you really live. I mean each next step of your getting the goal will help you to develop your inner self, and on the contrary if one is already happy (as it seems to the person) with all the surroundings it means he's become snobbish and lazy and any thought of the future learning loathes and provokes negative emotions. It's good to be flexible and able to learn at any age.
Rather Encouraging
"I haven't got much time to waste - it's time to make my way
I'm not afraid of what I'll face but I'm afraid to stay.
I'm going down my own road and I can make it alone.
I'll walk and fight till I find a place of my own." Madonna "Jump"
I'm not afraid of what I'll face but I'm afraid to stay.
I'm going down my own road and I can make it alone.
I'll walk and fight till I find a place of my own." Madonna "Jump"
"Las De La Intuicion"
This is the most real and way-showing quality of a woman. Sometimes there's no sensible decision, and luckily the intuition will always help. But it's important to listen to your inner voice properly and not to get confused in your feelings. "Intuition's always been a woman's guide"
I'm a Madonna Fan
This year Madonna will be 50! And I'm still hoping she'll include Russia in her concert tour like she did it in 2006. Her shows are really worth attending though the price is too high but it can be some of a kind of an expensive injection of youth, energy, inspiration - all inclusive. I'm looking forward to hearing about the tour but Madge is such a tease - she'll keep silence till the end.
Time Pressure
If I'm obsessed with some idea I'm all in it even while sleeping. It happens until I fulfill all I've planned, and only in this case I won't be pressed for time. Now I'm exactly in this state of mind when any hesitation and waiting is painful, the more I come to understand the value of each second.
See you!!!
I won't write any posts for some time. I'm leaving again and will return by the end of next week :). See you then!
Dance Therapy
Dance therapy, or dance movement therapy is the psychotherapeutic use of movement (and dance) for emotional, cognitive, social, behavioural and physical conditions. It is a form of expressive therapy. Certified dance therapists hold a masters level of training.
Dance therapy is founded on the premise that the body and mind are an interrelated continuum (refer bodymind), that the state of the body may affect mental and emotional wellbeing in manifold ways. In contrast to artistic dance, which is usually concerned with the aesthetic appearance of movement, dance therapy explores the nature all movement. Through observing and altering the kinesthetic movements of a client, dance movement therapists diagnose and help solve various psychological problems. As any conscious person can move on some level, this therapy can work with any population.
Marion Chace is considered the principal founder of what is now dance therapy in the United States.[1]
LMA or Laban Movement Analysis is also part of dance movement therapy as it used to categorise movements into efforts, which can be used as an insight to the patient's mental state (refer to http://en.wikipedia.org)
Dance therapy is founded on the premise that the body and mind are an interrelated continuum (refer bodymind), that the state of the body may affect mental and emotional wellbeing in manifold ways. In contrast to artistic dance, which is usually concerned with the aesthetic appearance of movement, dance therapy explores the nature all movement. Through observing and altering the kinesthetic movements of a client, dance movement therapists diagnose and help solve various psychological problems. As any conscious person can move on some level, this therapy can work with any population.
Marion Chace is considered the principal founder of what is now dance therapy in the United States.[1]
LMA or Laban Movement Analysis is also part of dance movement therapy as it used to categorise movements into efforts, which can be used as an insight to the patient's mental state (refer to http://en.wikipedia.org)
Fresh Breath
Fresh breath makes understanding quicker and more fruitful and profitable. If a person stinks it loathes people surrounding him and drops them far away. So if you want to be undrestood correctly watch your breath and smile even talking over the phone!
Self-Sufficiency vs Grunge Attitude
Among my sidekicks there are people who are being very draggy and obtrusive. It makes my friendship with them impossible. I'm not in habbit of having a grunge attitute towards life and people - if a person avoids my society I won't obtruse myself ever. And I wait from all the people to do the same. A sidekick of mine has left to another flat and keeps inviting me to visit her habitation but she does it with so much pressure that I even avoid answering the phone when seeing her number. I don't like pressure and draggy people, it's their own problem they can't entertain themselves as they are not self-sufficient, so I make my network of friends very narrow - there are only people who are of interest for me.
Farting is quite a natural process like eating, breathing etc but it's considered to be very indecent especially if you fart in public and with a familiar sound. I'm sure that most people like farting but don't accept that as their habbit. Farting is neccessary if you're overwhelmed with wind - it's better to drop your hat forwards than to have it inside until you get a swollen stomach and the further stomachache. I don't encourage you to fart everywhere and every time but if this happens don't be shy and don't blush, just put on an avert face expression and go away immediately not to breathe in all the stinky smells you've produced.
Summer Time
Just after the New Year had come I felt that time turned for summer. The most difficult period for me is from November till mid-December - it's like climbing up the high mountain, with lots of efforts, nearly breathless, helpless and desperate. But after Christmas Eve (Catholic I mean) everything is lightened with positive sparks and flashes, it even seems that breathing becomes more full-fledged.
Mums On-line
The moment my baby falls asleep I immediately rush to the laptop and get connected to the world wide web - it's like staying in the spotlight and keeping my eye on the ball. I notice that most of my close mummies are of the same habbit because I from time to time visit www.vkontakte.ru and see them on-line at quite a late hour, I guess they get off to sleep their offsprings too and get a gasp of free time surfing the net. I'm not alone!
Sitcom Freak
Have ever watched the sitcom "Smack the Pony"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smack_the_Pony ? I'm crazy about it, really. It has a special sense of humour that can make you roll on the floor laughing and laughing your arse out :). It consists of short sketches with four women experiencing life situations and finding funny ways out. In Russia there already has appeared an analogy sitcom adapted for our viewers. Its name is "Women League"http://www.tnt-tv.ru/programs/ZhenskayaLiga/series/s9.htm . Have a look and compare! Your time won't be spent in vain.
Not a Profession of My Dream

I have subscribed to a magazine devoted to English language teaching. I did it to stay tuned in the world of my profession. It's intresting to know what's happening with English and follow some changes but I'm not ready to work as a teacher again. I imagine those lessons plans, noisy breaks, running and rushing pupils etc. Only do I think of this, I've got shivers down my spine. But at the same time I'm happy that I'm a teacher of English because I can be useful for my children in the future.

Hello everyone! I've been out of writing for several days - my family and I went to see the New Year in in the countryside and we decorated the real growing fir-tree! It's better than to cut a tree and place it for some weeks in your flat and than just throw it away forever. I consider it as an act of vandalism. If you want to have a fir-tree than buy an artificial one and decorate it as a real one. This way you can do your part in saving our planet from stranglehold of non-natural things that replace the real ones because uncoined things are gradually disappear and replaced by ones of chemical origin. Think first before doing.
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